Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I describe Core Physical Therapy to my friends?

A: Core Physical Therapy's goal is to help you get out of pain and get you back to doing what you love, without drugs or surgery.  Traditional physical therapy methods focus on treating the parts of your body that hurt.  The symptoms that you feel.  At Core, we focus on the cause of your pain, which is often the part that you don't feel.


Q: What can I expect during my first appointment?

A:  Your first appointment will be 1-hour long.  During that time, you will be asked to share your story.  Your therapist wants to know about you and how your pain started.  The more you can tell us about your history, the easier it will be for us to determine what is causing your pain.


Q: Why do you call it Core Physical Therapy?

A:  At Core Physical Therapy, it is our goal to find and treat the root of your problem; the Core.  Treatment at facilities with a traditional PT focus use electrical stimulation, massage, or deep pressure to the area that hurts.  This method provides only temporary relief and does not correct the actual problem.  For patients that want to improve and overcome their limitations, it is important to correct the actual problem.  It is important to get to the core.



Q: Can you treat my arthritis?

A:  At Core Physical Therapy, the therapists have the ability to greatly improve arthritic conditions.  Arthritis is often a result of an imbalance within the effected joint.  This imbalance can have many causes including tight muscles or poor alignment of the bones comprising the joint.  If the joint surfaces do not contact each other properly, they will be irritated with movement, resulting in swelling.  Both irritation and swelling will cause joint pain locally and may refer this pain to other areas of the body.  We treat the unique cause of the patient's pain by performing an extensive head to toe evaluation and devising an individualistic treatment plan, aimed at correcting the problem.

Q: How is Core Physical Therapy different from other physical therapy practices? 


A:   Core Physical Therapy's methodology is based off of osteopathic medicine.  We use an approach called the "Inclusion Method" which allows us to use a multitude of assessments and treatment techniques to fix your problem.  You are unique. Why settle for a cookie cutter treatment plan?